Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Breaking ground!!!!


Air Exchange Inc.
The owner is Dave. They had this wonderful furnace just sitting around I guess and gave it to us they will also be putting in our ducting when it comes time.
Thanks Dave!!!


About a year ago Zach ran into a man we used to go to church with. They had some small talk and the man gave Zach a check for a very large amount and said that the Lord had told him to give it to us for the house so here is our purchase. Praise God once again his mercies still continue especially when we don't feel worthy.
Thanks be to God and to him be all the glory

Another Blessing

Yesterday we received a call confirming the donation of sheetrock to rock the whole house. It feels good to be able to post something about the house progress after such a long time.

Other updates on our house is that we have the wiring, we are working very slowly to put in. We did hear about some insulation that might be a very good price but need to check on that. Please continue to keep us in your prayers we are just in awe how God has been so good to us concerning this adventure ~ our Providence House.