Here is our house. The house that my husband calls a craftsman on steroids. It is 5000 sq. ft. 4 bedroom 4 bath. It will be only by the Providence of God that it will be finished and He knows when that will be. It truly is the house that God built or is building rather. We have spent about 56000 out of pocket the rest the Lord hath provided. One of the biggest contributers to this fine home is Parr Lumber who supplied 50% of the lumber and when Zach was in the hospital for his heart stuff they donated the siding and Kennedy construction put it on for free!!!!! Anderson Heating and Air conditioning gave us a furnace and Bastian Plumbing has gotten the ruff plumbing done and I believe plans to do the rest. Someone also donated our roofing that is the top of the line no three tab, it is rubberized and will last 50 yrs. Two months after the roof was on which was in Nov. last year, so in Feb. Zach became ill and just has not had the strength and now finances to finish it. Especially since we were hoping to this all out of pocket as the Lord provides by his providence.
Beautiful house... Makes me wish I had a house like that.
ha ha ha siah jo if thats the case it makes me wish that I had a house like that too it is sooooo beautiful!!!
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