Saturday, January 26, 2008

Grand Opening

Yes, I should change our name to Providence Kennels!!!!!!  we have 6 puppies and three dogs. So I decided we are now a working Kennel.   Gunner arrived in May, supposedly Seth's dog but who do you think gets to clean up all the accidents?  Yes, Seth tries but needs ALOT of help. Dec. 14 his Puppies arrived.  Six of them.  Two females and four males two are black and white four are liver and white. They are as cute as can be and my family is having a hard time not keeping one. I am having a hard time sticking to my no.   Then Emry arrived yesterday.  Emry is a black and Tan coon hound that Doug and Andrea adopted while on vaction in Florida and then asked Becca to watch her.  Emry is about 3-4 years old and full of energy but a very good dog.  She is a pretty big dog too.  So you can see why I feel like I am running a kennel around here.  Not to mention my own litter of 10.  Well anyway here are some fun pics to enjoy.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Where are the pics? and yes I loved those puppies!! we would have kept Tucker too if he hadn't had a intestinal problem.